Never too late to start. Actually cikina blog walking setiap mlm after auni tdo smpai 2-3pg. Penah jgk smpai 4 pg. Masa tu cikina betol2 get as much as information ttg monssory, activity for babies etc. Bila blogwalking, mommies start monsorry seawal anak dia lahir.. Hoho. Blh tgk effort mommies yg nk develope otak anak2 mereka sejak umo sehari. Fuuhh. Sblm ni ingt auni too small & too young to learn something, to expose her with something, to teach her bout something ect. Tp mereka xletak limit pon kt anak2 mereka. Huu.
So, lagi 3 hari auni nk masuk 9bulan, i decide to start the activity with treassure basket.. Memandangkan kami di rumah mertua cz papa auni ada kje disini. Kbtlan mil xde dirumah for vacation, fil n sil keluar , cikina jumpa bakul2 (act rumah ni byk bakul) yg perfect size utk buat treassure basket.
Theme paling mudah adalah kitchen stuff.
Sbnrnya cikina ade pk jgk betol ke treassure basket ni blh tarik minat babies since cikina perhatikan auni bila dpt toys sekejap je bosan, pdhal auni had so much soft toys to play,tp dia pilih crawling sana sini nk explore bwh meja, kerusi, panjat ini itu ect.
But, the amazing is she sit and focuss exploring the basket.
Mase tgh kutip2 brg kt dapur letak kt dlm basket tu dh nmpak dh auni perhati je ape mommy buat. And nmpak interesting to her.
Cikina lupa nk off tv, wlpn tgn auni dlm basket mate kt tv, so i think xdpt nk bg dia focuss on the activity. So, tv was off! Auni start keluarkan satu barg look, feel, taste dan ketuk2 utk make sound. Pilih barang ape yg dia suka.
Treassure basket activity ni xperlu pon mommy terangkan satu2 barang dan fungsinya. Lets she explore herself on their way without disturbed.
Actually xdla smpai stgah jam pn auni dok explore basket tu. Btw this is our first intro to treassure basket. Plus auni macam dah ngantuk. Auni can stay 10-15minutes exploring the basket. For me it should be proud!
Lpas auni dah tunjukkan tnda mengantuk sgt, kami kemaskan barg td same2 ,auni bf dan tdo easily.. I believed she absorbed something, learned something with her first treassure basket. More basket to treassure soon! InsyaAllah.
Ape yg auni blh belajar:
*rase dgn tangan dan mulut besi, kayu dan plastic
*bunyi dari besi, kayu dan plastic
*pilih barang yg lebih menarik minat
'Writed on 11 oct 15
Never too late to start. Actually cikina blog walking setiap mlm after auni tdo smpai 2-3pg. Penah jgk smpai 4 pg. Masa tu cikina betol2 get as much as information ttg monssory, activity for babies etc. Bila blogwalking, mommies start monsorry seawal anak dia lahir.. Hoho. Blh tgk effort mommies yg nk develope otak anak2 mereka sejak umo sehari. Fuuhh. Sblm ni ingt auni too small & too young to learn something, to expose her with something, to teach her bout something ect. Tp mereka xletak limit pon kt anak2 mereka. Huu.
So, lagi 3 hari auni nk masuk 9bulan, i decide to start the activity with treassure basket.. Memandangkan kami di rumah mertua cz papa auni ada kje disini. Kbtlan mil xde dirumah for vacation, fil n sil keluar , cikina jumpa bakul2 (act rumah ni byk bakul) yg perfect size utk buat treassure basket.
Theme paling mudah adalah kitchen stuff.
Sbnrnya cikina ade pk jgk betol ke treassure basket ni blh tarik minat babies since cikina perhatikan auni bila dpt toys sekejap je bosan, pdhal auni had so much soft toys to play,tp dia pilih crawling sana sini nk explore bwh meja, kerusi, panjat ini itu ect.
But, the amazing is she sit and focuss exploring the basket.
Mase tgh kutip2 brg kt dapur letak kt dlm basket tu dh nmpak dh auni perhati je ape mommy buat. And nmpak interesting to her.
Cikina lupa nk off tv, wlpn tgn auni dlm basket mate kt tv, so i think xdpt nk bg dia focuss on the activity. So, tv was off! Auni start keluarkan satu barg look, feel, taste dan ketuk2 utk make sound. Pilih barang ape yg dia suka.
Treassure basket activity ni xperlu pon mommy terangkan satu2 barang dan fungsinya. Lets she explore herself on their way without disturbed.
Actually xdla smpai stgah jam pn auni dok explore basket tu. Btw this is our first intro to treassure basket. Plus auni macam dah ngantuk. Auni can stay 10-15minutes exploring the basket. For me it should be proud!
Lpas auni dah tunjukkan tnda mengantuk sgt, kami kemaskan barg td same2 ,auni bf dan tdo easily.. I believed she absorbed something, learned something with her first treassure basket. More basket to treassure soon! InsyaAllah.
Ape yg auni blh belajar:
*rase dgn tangan dan mulut besi, kayu dan plastic
*bunyi dari besi, kayu dan plastic
*pilih barang yg lebih menarik minat
'Writed on 11 oct 15
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