fuh.. Masih lagi semangat extravaganza.. Masa nila masa terbaik nak buat entry, tgh penuh otak sal bangkok nak share, insyaAllah. Alhamdulillah.sykur ya Allah, mcm mimpi pon ade, xterfikir nk buat pasport, nk fly oversea.. Haha. Walaupon pegi bangkok je, journey ni bagi sgt byk knowledge, lesson, dan byk muhasabah diri..
Straight to the point. Ramai xtahu utk ape sbb sbnrnya cikina ke bangkok? Apa yg disebut2 extravaganza tu? Ok. Tentu korg pelik+bosan dgn kebnyakan post kt fb pasal bangkok n extravaganza je.. Hehe. Actually, extravaganza adalah satu big event herbalife dan seluruh negara asia pasific berkumpul kat bangkok :-) kecuali korea n india, negara diorg da terlalu ramai n buat di negara masing2. herbalife is growing!
Sebelum pegi extravaganza, dalam kepala ni just pk event ni sama je kot dgn spectacular bulan 1 lepas yg hadir 15k org tu, cme yg ni rmai lagi la.. 23,000 orang!! Tapi sangkaan itu salah! Extravaganza was totally different!!
2 hari training dalam dewan penuh org hebalife, apa yg cikina relise is strong believe! Sebelum ni mmg da believe this is the best product sbb diri sdri pon dah become product of the product and da tgk ramai sgt result depan mata.. Tp believe yg dapat kt extravaganza was strong believe! Believe in the product! Sbb tgk dpan mata doctor behind the product.. Dr David Heber.
Beliau expert about protein! Beliau share about the other doctor n saintis yg bersama dlm herbalife,
Share ttg kajian2 yang diorg tgh buat n dah buat, tunjuk vdeo lab, pergh!! sekarang Cikina bukan talk about product yg xtahu dr mana dtg dan sapa yg buat kajian tentang product.
Believe in business
Yang ni lagi la, jumpe org dah buat bisnes herbalife lbh 30 tahun! Susan peterson.
Number one herbalife distributor!! pernah dapat gelaran Business Women Of The Year (2005) dari president US. herbalife distributor pon blh dapat gelaran tu?! yg paling xleh blah, umor 53, bukan stakat muka muda, badan da mcm anak dara umo 23..! fuhh.. Dia sempat jumpa dgn founder of herbalife mark huges! Dia da lalui mcm2 experience dalam herbalife biness, and she talk about how to go fast, how to success, and byk gler tips about the bisness and about leadership. Sblum ni mmg akui jgk ade prasaan ragu2, blh ke buat herbalife ni.. Skg, susan dah lalui dah 30thun, and we just follow the direction yg dia dah buat cantik2 utk kita:-)
And utk yg nk thu knp herbalife was so different with the other business, this is the best event u should go!!
3 hari event, tp cikina kat bangkok 7 hari! ^_< herbalife bukan je about the product and the business, its all about our lifestyle!
nk ckp lifestyle money freedom, belum sampai masanya, insyAllah, one day. sama2 doakan.. tp yang penting, lifestyle skg bersama orang2 positive, sentiasa bg semangat each other, *kdg2 family kita xpercaya kita dapat buat apa kita suke, tp in herbalife, xde perkataan 'u can't do that', jpe je herbalife distributor luar negara yg xpenah kenal pon dia percaya kita boleh buat..! apatah lagi leader2 yang dah berjaya, they believe in me more than i believe in myself! kalau cikina keje makan gaji, even setiap bulan dapat gaji, belum tentu dapat fly ke bangkok ni.. mgkin sbb pk gaji xcukup, tp nk jalan2, pk xde cuti, pk makayah xbagi, family xbagi.. so many negative thought! tp, sekeliling cikina time ke bangkok, rasenya majority dr org2 yg pendapatan rendah, org2 muda umo bwh 30 yg mmg belom ckup income nk fly oversea, BUT, becoz they decide to go, they work hard, they believe, semangat dr kwn2 herbalife xputus2, now we make it happen!
so, cikina pon xkan dapat ke extravaganza ini kalau cikina xbuat keputusan dan TAKE A FIRST STEP!
enjoy the picture:
1st DAY
first time fly oversea... ade plak tv dlm flight kan.. xbosan sgt.. almost 2hours fly ^_^
untunglaa naik MAS dapat makan2.. tQ MAS.. hehe..
savely arrive SUVARNABHUMI Airport, Bangkok
lupa nk capture toilet kat bangkok, kebanyakan xguna air.. tisu je.. so, kitorang akan guna botol amik air kat sink before masuk toilet.. dah la herbalifer n toilet xdpt dipisahkan.. hehe
Halal restorant. tomyam yay! saya suke, saya suke.
kami bermalam di MIRAMAR hotel! 6hari tdo hotel.. da mcm rumah sendiri dah.. balik bilik je, bilik kemas,, haha
2nd DAY
mango juice xbeli, tapi kita beli pulut mangga.. ^_^
yang baju kuning tu uncle Beny, tour guard kitorang.. sgt2 byk info, sgt kelakar, sgt polite, sgt baik! dia pon sgt2 suke handle kitorang sbb dia ckp kitorg sgt2 positive and attitude sgt bagus, sentiasa mudahkan kerje dia. haha, xleh blah bila dia pelik sbb kitorang always energetic wlpn kuar awal pagi, habis event dah lewat petang, masih boleh excited... 'we are product of the product la uncle benny,,' hehe. alhamdulillah..
atas bot bagi ikan patin makan roti.. hii
kat belakang tu church, tp kitorng xmasuk pon, just round2 sambil beli2 key chain.. hehe
tomyam laaaaagiii... hee
3rd DAY
hari pendaftaran.. kaunter malaysia paling byk sbb malaysia paling ramai ^_^
first day, kat luar je sbb xqualify leadership training.. insyaAllah next extravaganza will be in hall! doakan..
bersama kwn2 under 30yo yg sgt2 positive
tab team entrance, insyaAllah, next extravaganza.. aminn
yay! ini hebat.. haha. dapat change cappucino dgn cookies n cream.. len kali bawak byk2 f1 cappucino utk tukar!.. sedap giler flavor ni!
4th, 5th DAY: TRAINING
sebelom event start, diorg tengah berusaha nk change f1 cappucino dgn cookies n cream ^_^
perhh! full house! siap ade satu hall lagi yg xdpt tgk live sbb beli lmbat n ticket utk hall ni sold out!
samantha on the stage.. search her on youtube! byk cara exercise even on chair at office ^_^ no excuse to burn your calories~!
meja bulat2 tu for presteam! insyAllah, ill be there!
solat je di mana2.. asalkan bersih..
chaiman's club.. semua sempoi je..
VIP! insyaAllah, next extravaganza 2014.. !
6th DAY
hari ke-6, shopping at platinum mall ^_^, next time nk dtg dgn encik suami.. dpt beli banyak sket! hee
purse lama tinggal kat bangkok ea.. thanks cik choc purse, sgt lama berkhidmat,mase student dgree lagi.. smpai hancur dah..welcome new herbalife purse.. hee..
last day, rest sambil urut2! murah je 350 b (rm35) 1 hour, thai massage!
fly balik malaysia, dapat makan lagi.. thanks again MAS, bebaloi2 naik MAS ^_^
so, im on 90days action plan. doakan saya istiqamah..
next event, mega zero to heroo! limited seat! take a first step, booked now!
*lose weight, gain weight, improve health, healthy breakfast
part time income (rm500-rm2500), full time income (rm2500-rm5000)
contac me now: ina 011-19930439